Major Achievements in 2015
(1) Health Care Professional Group - Led by Melinda Tomlins
Development of the 'Train the Trainer' Modules in progress with Module 1 (Adult Learning Principle) completed, Module 2 (PD) 80% completed, Module 3 (HHD) to commence in 2016. In addition, a Working Group has been working on the PD Patient Training Manual.
The partnership with AKTN is getting bigger and bigger in the research titled: 'TEACH-PD'. Beside the clinical experts from HOME Network supported by Paula, the excellent project manager and writer, we now have engaged an e-learning development expert and a curriculum educator to support the development of the e-learning modules. Funding has been secured for the e-portal and some of the development work plus research works with AKTN. More grant submissions have been going on........
(2) Early Patient Education Group - Led by Debbie Fortnum
Developed the Home Dialysis Posters which look fantastic. Free download is available via the Resource Tab
(3) The New Technology Initiative Group - Led by Kim Grimley
The manuscript titled: 'Beyond Dialysis – Telehealth Initiatives' was submitted to a peer review journal for publication in March 2016.
(4) The Multi-centre clinical research - Led by Josephine Chow
The Multi-centre clinical research titled: 'The Dialysis Uptake Factors' is about 9 months ahead our timeline in recruitment. Preliminary data analysis has been completed. 2 manuscripts have been drafted. In 2015, the investigators met monthly via teleconference to drive this activity
(5) Professional Forums
A number of the HOME Network members will present at the International Society of Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD) Conference in Feb 2016 in Melbourne. In addition, The HOME Network has committed a booth at this Conference to promote the HOME Network and seek ideas from the delegates.
On 1 March 2016, on behalf of the HOME Network, Rosie Simmonds will present at the Tasmanian Home Dialysis Therapies Symposium
On 19 June 2016, The HOME Network will host a Home Therapy Symposium in collaboration with the Renal Society of Australasia. The one day symposium will focus on initiatives and topics on home therapies (PD & HHD) and will be held in Gold Coast.
Development of the 'Train the Trainer' Modules in progress with Module 1 (Adult Learning Principle) completed, Module 2 (PD) 80% completed, Module 3 (HHD) to commence in 2016. In addition, a Working Group has been working on the PD Patient Training Manual.
The partnership with AKTN is getting bigger and bigger in the research titled: 'TEACH-PD'. Beside the clinical experts from HOME Network supported by Paula, the excellent project manager and writer, we now have engaged an e-learning development expert and a curriculum educator to support the development of the e-learning modules. Funding has been secured for the e-portal and some of the development work plus research works with AKTN. More grant submissions have been going on........
(2) Early Patient Education Group - Led by Debbie Fortnum
Developed the Home Dialysis Posters which look fantastic. Free download is available via the Resource Tab
(3) The New Technology Initiative Group - Led by Kim Grimley
The manuscript titled: 'Beyond Dialysis – Telehealth Initiatives' was submitted to a peer review journal for publication in March 2016.
(4) The Multi-centre clinical research - Led by Josephine Chow
The Multi-centre clinical research titled: 'The Dialysis Uptake Factors' is about 9 months ahead our timeline in recruitment. Preliminary data analysis has been completed. 2 manuscripts have been drafted. In 2015, the investigators met monthly via teleconference to drive this activity
(5) Professional Forums
A number of the HOME Network members will present at the International Society of Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD) Conference in Feb 2016 in Melbourne. In addition, The HOME Network has committed a booth at this Conference to promote the HOME Network and seek ideas from the delegates.
On 1 March 2016, on behalf of the HOME Network, Rosie Simmonds will present at the Tasmanian Home Dialysis Therapies Symposium
On 19 June 2016, The HOME Network will host a Home Therapy Symposium in collaboration with the Renal Society of Australasia. The one day symposium will focus on initiatives and topics on home therapies (PD & HHD) and will be held in Gold Coast.